During National Volunteer Week, Prince George RCMP thanking and acknowledge their many dedicated volunteers, who are committed to facilitating a safer, more sustainable community through effective programs and services.
“Volunteers make such a difference and we are grateful for our volunteers who have provided us with their amazing generosity and dedication over the years,” said
Catharine Hamilton, Community Policing Coordinator.
There are five distinct groups of RCMP volunteers offering valuable services to the community:
- RCMP Patrol Volunteers – patrol the city reporting suspicious activity, provide Speed Watch and distracted driver campaigns, conduct foot patrols, and assist with crime prevention programs and services including special events, home security assessments and Garage 529 anti-bike theft clinics.
- Community Policing – Front Desk – front line workers serving witness subpoenas, fielding inquiries and providing customer assistance.
- Restorative Justice – work with youth and adult offenders, providing an effective alternative to the criminal justice system with a focus on accountability, problem solving and community healing.
- Victim Services – provide emotional support for victims of crime or trauma; liaise between the victim, Court system, law enforcement and community agencies, providing helpful referral services.
- Safety Bear – the goodwill ambassador and mascot of the Prince George RCMP, attends special events and citywide functions with a whimsical approach.
For information on Community Policing volunteer programs and services contact RCMP Community Policing at (250) 561-3366 or email catharine.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.
For information on volunteering with RCMP Victim Services, contact RCMP Victim Services at 250-561-3329 or email Aralee.hryciuk@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.