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School board now using eScribe for meeting management

The board of education for School District 57 has been reviewing its meeting processes over the last year and has been working to improve public access to information, reduce the use of paper and modernize processes.

The board is therefore implementing the use of eScribe, a meeting management software, for board and committee meetings. The January regular board meeting is the first meeting using this software and we wish to highlight the following:

  • A schedule of public board and committee meetings will be posted to the school district’s website.
  • The HTML and PDF agenda packages will be posted on the website. Paper agenda packages will no longer be available at the meeting.
  • Public board and committee meetings will be livestreamed and recorded.
  • The recording of the meeting will be linked to the HTML agenda the day following the meeting. The recording will be available to view the meeting in its entirety or view a specific agenda item by clicking on the HTML agenda.

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