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Standardized house designs available for builders

Ravi Kahlon

VANCOUVER – People building small-scale, multi-unit housing can plan faster and at a lower cost by using free standardized designs now available to the public.

“From a historic investment in public housing to cracking down on speculators to cutting red tape for different forms of housing, our government is leaving no stone unturned to deliver more housing of all kinds for people everywhere,” said Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing. “Set housing designs mean that people will be able to build more beautiful homes in their communities, faster than ever before.”

Most of the designs are based on “building blocks” that can be mixed and matched, to add features such as a garage or bedrooms, and stacked up to three storeys high. They include concepts for duplex, triplex, quadplex and townhouse designs. Also included are a variety of roof shapes and exterior finishes, so all the designs can blend in seamlessly with existing neighbourhoods, keeping with the intent of small-scale, multi-unit housing to add density. There are also designs for accessory dwelling units, such as laneway homes, and a fully adaptable cottage suitable for aging in place.

Each design complies with the 2024 B.C. Building Code and can be customized for different lot sizes and configurations for use throughout B.C., recognizing that minor amendments may be required to manage specific site conditions. Design files are available for download and have also been compiled into a catalogue for ease of viewing, all at no cost.

Standardized design will result in time and cost savings as local governments and builders become familiar with the plans, leading to quicker approvals and construction, which is a key strategy of the Homes for People action plan to unlock more homes faster by creating the conditions to encourage faster housing construction.

This is part of government work underway to deliver more small-scale multi-unit housing to neighbourhoods and fix outdated zoning rules that have stopped these homes from being built.

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