Pursuant to the BC Emergency and Disaster Management Act, an evacuation order has been issued by the Cariboo Regional District Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) for 54 parcels in the Moose Valley Fire Area. This order covers 8,306 hectares.
Due to immediate danger to life safety due to fire, members of the RCMP or other groups will be expediting this action. You must leave the area IMMEDIATELY. Persons who disregard this Evacuation Order and remain in the Evacuation Order area do so at their own risk. Responders may be unable to assist anyone who remains in the Evacuation Order area.
Evacuation route: Proceed to Highway 97, then head South to 100 Mile House
Emergency Service Centre (ESS): ESS Reception Centre in the 100 Mile House Community Centre at 385 Birch Ave.
An evacuation alert has been issued by Cariboo Regional District at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) for 177 parcels in the Moose Valley Area. This alert covers 19,508 hectares.