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Reminder of fireworks ban ahead of long weekend

photo of fireworks display

The City of Prince George is reminding residents there is currently a ban on the use of all fireworks due to fire risk.

The ban means there will be no fireworks at the Canada Day in the Park celebrations on Monday, but it also means consumer fireworks (personal/home) and display fireworks (professional/show) are also prohibited.

The fireworks ban is in line with the provincial Category 2 and 3 fire ban. The fire ban for the Prince George fire zone went into place on March 28.

This prohibition does not ban Category 1 (campfires) that are a half-metre high by half-metre wide or smaller, or the use of cooking stoves that use gas, propane or briquettes.

The province states that anyone found to be refusing to comply with the rules risks a violation ticket for $1,150, with further penalties ranging from $10,000 or if convicted in court, fines up to $100,000.

The City of Prince George Fire Protection and Emergency Response Bylaw gives the fire chief the authority to institute this ban in the interest of public safety.

The May drought index showed a reduction in the Prince George area due to rain, however, the reduction was from an exceptional (D4) level to an extreme (D3) level.

Applications for a fireworks permit via the City of Prince George online form are currently not available due to the fire ban.

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