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Five millionth Moose Hide Campaign pin presented to Barb Ward-Burkitt

Raven Lacerte (left) who, along with her father Paul started the Moose Hide Campaign, presents Barb Ward-Burkitt with the five millionth Moose Hide pin.

The Moose Hide Campaign celebrated a significant milestone by presenting its 5-millionth moose hide pin to Barb Ward-Burkitt, Executive Director of the Prince George Native Friendship Centre.

“This ceremony highlights Barb’s unwavering dedication to ending the crisis of murdered missing Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit plus individuals,” said David Stevenson, CEO of the Moose Hide Campaign. “This five-millionth pin is not only a reflection of how far the campaign has come in raising awareness, but also a reminder of the work that needs to take place to end gender-based violence in Canada.”

Daughter and father, Raven and Paul Lacerte were inspired to start the Moose Hide Campaign in 2011 after a moose-hunt in their Carrier traditional territory along the Highway of Tears. This tragic name was coined for the many murdered missing Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit individuals (MMIWG2S+) along its 725km length. The potential to discover human remains while in the wilderness had become a sad reality for those living within its shadow.

Reflecting upon this during their hunting trip, and a desire to overcome a sense of helplessness, Raven and Paul were inspired to cut up tiny squares of moose hide – considered a piece medicine in their Indigenous culture. Raven then gifted out the moose hide pins with hand-written cards asking people to wear it as a symbol of healing and their personal commitment to end violence towards those most vulnerable in our society.

Five million pins have now been gifted across Canada and it has become a well-recognized national movement where Canadians can take tangible steps towards reconciliation and ending the MMIWG2S+ crisis. With each major milestone, the Moose Hide have chosen to honour a person who have shown unwavering dedication to end gender-based violence. Recent recipients have included the Senator Murray Sinclair and Senator Michèle Audette, receiving the 3rd and 4th million pins respectively.

“Barb Ward-Burkitt’s dedication to Indigenous advocacy exemplifies the core values of our campaign,” said David Stevenson, CEO of the Moose Hide Campaign. “Her leadership within the Friendship Centre movement for over the last five decades has been instrumental in fostering resilience and empowerment within Indigenous communities.”

Among Barb’s many accomplishments over a lifetime of advocacy and 50+ year career with the Friendship Centre movement:

  • Executive Director of the largest Friendship Centre in Canada
  • Recipient of the Order of BC in 2010
  • Chair of the Minister’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Women
  • Chair of the Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment and Training Association

“Having the five-millionth pin ceremony in Prince George is also a poignant reminder given its proximity to the Highway of Tears. The community members here have sadly had too much experience dealing with the impacts of murdered missing Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit individuals. Each one of us can be inspired by Barb’s commitment and leadership. Even the simple act of wearing a moose hide pin can help support this movement to end violence.”

The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement that has grown to a national scale. Moose Hide Campaign Day is an annual day of ceremony which calls for all Canadians to take collective action by fasting and walking together to end the violence in our country.

This year’s Moose Hide Campaign Day takes place on May 16, with community events being held across the country. There is also a livestream and virtual workshops originating from Victoria, B.C., which will foster dialogue on gender-based violence and reconciliation.

The Moose Hide Campaign continue towards their goal of distributing 10-million pins and having 1-million Canadians to fast together in ceremony on Moose Hide Campaign Day.

To register for Moose Hide Campaign Day, please visit

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