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Rio Tinto breaks ground on $135 million alumina conveyor in Kitimat

Breaking ground on Rio Tinto’s new alumina conveyor project are: James Steer, Director of Asset Integrity and Projects, Rio Tinto BC Works , Jerome Pecresse, Chief Executive Aluminium, Rio Tinto, Dominic Barton, Chairman at Rio Tinto, Phil Germuth, Mayor District of Kitimat, Sebastian Ross, Managing Director Atlantic Operations at Rio Tinto Aluminium Canada, Simon Pascoe, General Manager Rio Tinto BC Works. Ola Adekola, Project Manager at Rio Tinto. Spruce Tree photo

In November 2023, Rio Tinto announced its investment of more than $135 million to replace the alumina conveyor at its aluminium smelter in Kitimat, the most substantial investment in the operation since the smelter’s modernization a decade ago.

Moving forward, this commitment ensures the integrity and efficiency of the conveyor system, which is imperative for Kitimat’s success, as alumina is an indispensable component for aluminium production. Strategically positioned for our facility’s longevity, the location of the new conveyor was carefully chosen to enhance operational efficiency and explore and capitalize on future opportunities for responsible growth. Full construction and system operation is anticipated by June 2025.  

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