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FNHA Opens Northern Regional Office in Lheidli T’enneh Community

The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) and Lheidli T’enneh First Nation held a ceremony to bless new office space on reserve for FNHA staff Thursday.

The 12-person 1200-square-foot office will host provincial and regional staff on a full-time and part-time basis. It is also a double-wide trailer that can be moved to a different location if the Nation’s priorities change.

“Our goal is to be situated on First Nations lands wherever possible to keep us connected to the challenges our people face and the solutions they need from us,” said Katie Hughes, FNHA Acting CEO.

“It’s important to be close to community.”

It will also provide needed office space for FNHA staff as the downtown facilities are at capacity.

The office is opposite the community’s new health center, which will help build relationships to support Indigenous healing journeys.

FNHA staff and community members will also benefit from a fire pit next to the river, which will make a nice change from meetings inside and provide opportunities for getting out on the land and healing.

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