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Cindy Heitman appointed as CNC president and CEO

Cindy Heitman

The College of New Caledonia’s (CNC) board of governors has appointed Cindy Heitman as CNC’s next president and chief executive officer commencing November 17, 2023. Heitman brings 28 years of educational leadership to CNC.

“CNC’s board of governors looks forward to working with Ms. Heitman. We are confident she has the leadership capacity to address CNC’s immediate future needs, while seeking innovative opportunities for students,” said Shobha Sharma, chair of CNC’s board.

“Ms. Heitman is a proven, high-quality leader. Her expertise and skills will lead the CNC community into the future of post-secondary education,” said Dr. Dennis Johnson, CNC’s president and CEO.

CNC’s board of governors appointed a president search committee in February 2023 to conduct an executive search after Dr. Johnson announced plans to retire at the end of the calendar year. The committee sought candidates committed to:

  • Advancing CNC’s priorities in the lhulh whuts’odutel’eh | Learning Together strategic plan including learning across a lifetime, student success focused education and training, organizational strength and agility, and community engagement and partnerships;
  • Expanding on CNC’s commitment to truth and reconciliation with a focus on Indigenizing the college and inspiring the next generation of Indigenous leaders; and
  • Building partnerships and potential across the region served by CNC, which includes campuses in Burns Lake, Fort St. James, Mackenzie, Prince George, Quesnel and Vanderhoof.

Heitman established herself as the candidate best suited to the profile in the College’s president search.

Heitman is a resident of Prince George. She holds a Master’s degree in educational leadership and administration from Simon Fraser University as well as a Bachelor of general studies in education with a minor in learning disabilities.

Heitman’s career experience includes eight years as a school-based educator, 15 years as a school and district leader, and five years as a senior leader. She was most recently School District 57’s superintendent. She is committed to the North and is passionate about education.

Heitman has fostered partnerships and connections in communities. She has held many positions on a variety of boards and committees at the executive level locally and provincially.

“I am both humbled and honoured to have been selected as the incoming president of CNC. I look forward to working collaboratively with CNC’s board of governors, First Nations, the faculty, the staff, the CNC communities, and most importantly the students as we support learning across the region. I am excited to continue the work guided by the mission, vision, values, and goals of the CNC strategic plan lhulh whuts’odutel’eh | Learning Together,” said Heitman.

“CNC has embarked on exciting new directions to support student success, engage with communities and employers, and renew the organization. Ms. Heitman’s leadership will be vital to seeing through commitments we made in our strategic plan, while making our vision of learning together, changing lives, and creating futures possible for every student,” added Sharma

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