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United Way, CIBC helps REAPS with Day of Caring

United Way Northern BC is busy hold ing a Day of Caring with a team of volunteers from CIBC today to help the Recycling Environmental Action Planning Society (R.E.A.P.S.) with the construction of about 20 garden beds at their Explorer Gardens.

They will be at the Exploration Place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Due to the generous help of volunteers from CIBC, the United Way was able to help make possible the construction of 20 garden beds made from recycled materials for the Recycling Environmental Action Planning Society.

“It s always a great feeling for the team and I to get opportunities to give back in our local community,” said Clint Moase with CIBC. “We have had the opportunity to work with the United Way for many years and the partnership has been very strong. We hope to continue this relat ionship and work to support many more projects like this one in the future.”

“It is such a relief to have these beds built and to have community members from a local business donate their time and ef fort to see this project through,” said Terri McClymont REAPS Executive Director. “We were also happy to have United Way reach out to organize a Day of Caring to help make this project a success. From the donated supplies that were going to be thrown away to the volunteer help, it’s great to see community come together.”

Days of Caring are opportunities for businesses to work with non-profits to complete projects that enhance the community. United Way Corporate Partners that participate in Days of Caring give their staff an opportunity to team build, give back to the community and help essential social service, non profit organizations complete projects that need extra support and may not otherwise get completed. Assistance like this is a huge value to non profits and working together helps build stronger communities.

United Way of Northern BC would like to ex press our sincere gratitude for the partnership of the CIBC team in coming forward to assist with this project,” said Trista Spencer, executive director. “We would also like to acknowledge the work of the staff and volunteers o f R.E.A.P.S. for their important efforts inenriching the Prince George community.”

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