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Colour Walk set to go on May 28

The Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society is is ready for its fifth annual Hospice Colour Walk. Brace yourselves, because on May 28 at 10 am, they’re gathering in the CN Centre Parking lot to celebrate life with colour

Throughout the entire month of May, the society has witnessed an incredible show of support as nearly 250 individuals and teams joined the “Walk a Hundred K in the Month of May” virtual challenge, rallying behind the Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society, sharing stories and raising funds for Hospice.

But that’s not all. On Sunday, May 28, they’re calling upon each and every one of you to come and join them at the CN Centre parking lot from 10 a.m. to noon for an unforgettable experience. Together, with passionate participants and the community, they’ll embark on a designated route within the parking lot, surrounded by an enchanting whirlwind of colour. The phenomenal “Colour Sponsor Teams” will be throwing coloured powder, transforming the atmosphere into a kaleidoscope of joy.

This incredible family-oriented gathering promises an abundance of fun for everyone, with strollers and wheelchairs more than welcome. To fully immerse yourself in the magical spectacle of colour, you are encouraged to wear a white T-shirt. Don’t forget to bring sunglasses to shield your eyes and a trusty Ziploc bag to keep your cell phone squeaky clean. The railway museum will be bringing their train to join the fun.

And here’s the best part: admission to this event is absolutely free. However, the society would be immensely grateful for any donations you’d like to contribute. Remember, this magnificent occasion serves a noble purpose. The Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society will utilize the funds raised to construct a magnificent accessible outdoor space for its cherished guests and their families in the Rotary Hospice House.

So mark your calendars, gather your loved ones, and prepare to unleash your boundless energy at the Hospice Colour Walk. Let’s come together as a community, create cherished memories, and embrace the sheer exhilaration of life in vibrant technicolor.

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