I went walking at CN Centre a few times in the last week, and it seemed I noticed something different each time.
On one occasion, I couldn’t help overhearing pieces of conversation between other walkers. I was not eavesdropping, but I also don’t wear a headset or earplugs of any sort, so it’s easy for me to hear things around me.
A lot of times it’s just things like, “Oh, so they didn’t end up getting the divorce?” as a couple of people go by me. Other times, they’re commenting on hockey, either the local teams or the NHL. Last week, there was one group of four gentlemen who, every time we passed each other, were discussing the World Cup of soccer in very intense terms.
I like walking by myself, I always have, but the one problem I have at times is pacing myself. I don’t like to walk too fast. I see it as a chance to get some light exercise by walking, but not trying to qualify for the Canadian Olympic race-walking team. With other people passing me or (more rarely) being passed by me, I’m not always sure if I’m walking faster than normal or slower than normal.
One reason for walking with someone else, besides the chance to chat, is that you can use the chat to monitor your pace. I’ve read a few times that if you can’t keep up a conversation with someone you’re walking with, you’re walking too fast.
Clearly, if both of you are members of the Prince George Track and Field Club practicing at Masich Place Stadium, this rule doesn’t apply. There have been times, however, when I’ve been walking with my Mom and have had to slow our pace down a bit because I couldn’t hold up my end of the conversation.
When I was at CN Centre on Saturday morning, the thing I noticed was the temperature. When I started walking just before 9 a.m., the concourse was rather chilly and I was regretting the decision to not wear my sweatshirt.
After a couple of laps, though, I could hear the heaters starting to work and by the time I finished my scheduled laps, it was quite pleasant.