BC Liberal Party members have voted 80 per cent in favour of changing the party name to BC United. The online vote began on Sunday, Nov. 13 and concluded Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 10 p.m. with more than 8,000 members casting a ballot.
“For more than 20 years, our party’s name has been a constant topic of debate,” said said Kevin Falcon, party leader. “A strong vote for BC United marks a new beginning. I’m excited to move forward as BC United because it really reflects our big tent party, united for a common purpose of making life better for British Columbians.”
The BC Liberal Party engaged in a comprehensive province-wide consultation with its membership following a June convention resolution where a strong majority of delegates voted in favour of a new name. Among more than 2,000 suggestions, BC United was the favourite of members from every region across the province.
“In keeping with the commitments we’ve made, all of our members had the opportunity to vote as to whether they wanted to change the party name to BC United, or to remain as the BC Liberals,” said John Yap, President of the BC Liberal Party. “After extensive consultation, and with 80% approval from our membership, I’m pleased to see support for the new name surpassed all expectations and is the clear choice of our members.”
“It’s important to note that changing the party name is just one part of an overall renewal process that is already well underway,” said Caroline Elliott, Vice-President of the BC Liberal Party. “From new, dynamic leadership to talented, passionate candidates and smart, outcomes-based policies, we’re working hard to demonstrate real, comprehensive renewal right across the board.”
Next steps include a constitutional ratification process for the new name as part of a delegated convention. This is expected to take place early in the new year, in accordance with the timing requirements set out in the BC Liberal Constitution. Following ratification, the implementation timing, logos and other branding for the name change will be announced by the Leader.
BC United has been registered with Elections BC, and the party will retain registration of the BC Liberal name, and all associated domains, to avoid any other party obtaining its use.