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Nomination packages for civic elections now available

The fall civic election is officially underway, or more aptly, the paperwork for it is.

Individuals seeking to run for city council can now pick up candidate nomination packages at City Hall’s Fifth Floor at 1100 Patricia Boulevard or download them online. The packages contain all the necessary documents and information prospective candidates need to begin their nomination process.

The nomination period starts on Tuesday, August 30 and runs until Friday, September 9. Individuals declared as candidates will have their name on the ballot this October 15.

Eligible candidates must be:

  • B.C. residents for at least six months before filing their nomination documents.
  • At least 18 years old on general voting day (October 15, 2022).
  • A Canadian citizen.
  • Not disqualified under the Local Government Act or prohibited by any other enactment from voting, being nominated, being elected to or holding public offices, or otherwise disqualified by law.

Council’s new four-year term officially begins with an inaugural meeting on November 7, 2022. Mayor and councillors will serve the community until the next election in October 2026.

Other significant nomination dates and deadlines include:

  • Tuesday, September 13 at 4 p.m. – Deadline for submitting challenges to nominations and for endorsements from elector organizations.
  • Friday, September 16 at 4 p.m. – Deadlines for candidate withdrawals from the election and withdrawals of candidates endorsed by elector organizations. Decisions are  issued on candidate nomination challenges.

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