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Looking forward to seeing a crowd at the park this Canada Day

So we’re already basically halfway through 2022, and we’ve already seen more live events with full audiences in Prince George (and everywhere else) than we probably did in the last two years combined.

It’s actually kind of nice to hear that an event was cancelled or postponed because of the weather, and not because the COVID rules changed.

That’s not to say COVID is gone. According to the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, there were 642 lab-confirmed cases between June 12 and 18. That figure does not include people who used a home test and tested positive, so the number is almost certainly higher than that.

That said, if you’ve had your shots, you shouldn’t be afraid to go to Canada Day in the Park on Friday (which, by happy coincidence, is Canada Day).

It’s the first time in the last three years that we will have the chance to celebrate the occasion, and, as of Monday, the weather forecast was favourable.

From previous excursions to the park on Canada Day (usually as a reporter for the Free Press), I have a couple of suggestions for those heading out to the park.

First, don’t have much to eat before you go. There is plenty of great cuisine from a variety of cultures available at the park on Canada Day. The other thing to remind yourself is that walking from one booth to the next wears off a LOT of calories, so don’t be afraid to indulge.

Second, there’s a good chance you’re going to run into people at the park you haven’t seen in a couple of years. Obviously, you’re going to want to chat with them for a few minutes about how things have been going for them. That’s not a problem, but can I suggest you step off the paths in the park to have your chat? The paths are not six lanes wide, so they get clogged up very quickly if people just stop to chat.

Third, check the BC Transit site for bus schedules. There is not really a lot of parking at the Bandshell end of the park, so it’s a good idea to take the bus if you can. If you do drive down, be prepared for a pretty good walk if you don’t get there really early.

And when you’re driving to or from the park, keep your eyes open. Most of the streets in the area are not designed for vehicles to be parked on both sides with someone else driving down the middle. As well, there will obviously be a lot of people walking, pushing baby strollers, and otherwise making their way to the park.

All that in mind, have a great Canada Day.

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