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Prince George regional arts councils accepted into national program

The Community Arts Council of Prince George & District (CAC) and the Northern Indigenous Arts Council (NIAC) both have been accepted into the prestigious ‘artsvest’ program.

artsvest is a national mentorship training program designed to build capacity in Canada’s cultural sector.  artsvest provides arts and culture organizations with resources, expertise and training in marketing, board governance and sponsorship, along with matching incentive funds, and peer-to-peer networking.

Launched in 2005, artsvest has operated in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Montréal. To date, 2,200 organizations have participated and formed 5,150 partnerships with businesses, raising over $23M in new private sector investment. Combined with matching funds, the overall impact is $32.2M to Canada’s cultural economy.

“NIAC is honoured to be a part of the artsvest mentorship training program,” said Diane Levesque, NIAC President. “Having access to a wide spectrum of development and fundraising resources will enable us to develop lasting community relationships that will assist us in years to come, not only with sponsorships, but getting to know our community on a much larger scale.” 

“artsvest is an incredible opportunity for the CAC and NIAC to collaboratively develop long-term, successful partnerships with the private sector as we continue to advance our local arts and culture economy,” says Linda Rempel, CAC President. “Having both of our regional arts councils accepted into this program is noteworthy as it recognizes the progress being made in developing our sector in North Central BC, fostering creativity, inclusiveness and wellbeing in our neighborhoods, city and region.”

The 2021-2022 artsvest program commences this month and is approximately one year in duration.

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