Alexa Middelaer was only four-and-a half years old when an impaired driver killed her while she stood on the side of the road feeding a horse with her aunt in 2008. Soon after that, Alexa’s Team was created to honour police officers in B.C. for their outstanding efforts in reducing the number of drivers affected by alcohol and other drugs on British Columbia roads & highways.
To be nominated for Alexa’s Team, police officers must have removed at least 12 impaired drivers from the road in the previous calendar year through a Criminal Charge investigation or the Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) administrative process, in addition to issuing Administrative Driving Prohibitions, IRP Fails, and IRP Refusals.
The Prince George RCMP wish to congratulate the following seven police officers who were recently named to Alexa’s Team for their dedication to impaired driving investigations in 2019:
- Const. David Hallmark
- Cpl. Duane Biever
- Const. Adrian Swann
- Const. Arthur Dalman
- Const. Keith McCreadie
- Const. Edward Chan
- Const. Mark Macapinlac
“These officers are to be commended for their dedication and commitment ensuring our roadways are safe for everyone,”
said Insp. Lori Orstad, Operations Officer for the Prince George RCMP, in a news release. “Keeping road users safe is a priority for the Detachment and our officers. Their efforts are very much appreciated.”
If you see an impaired driver, call 9-1-1 immediately. If you have information about persons that drive while impaired by alcohol or drugs, please contact the Prince George RCMP at (250)561-3300 or anonymously contact Crime Stoppers at 1(800)222-8477 or online at (English only). You do not have to reveal your identity to Crime Stoppers. If you provide information that leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for a cash reward.