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Bowl-area roadwork, Patricia sidewalk improvements starting

This week, crews have started rehabilitating about 8.5 lane-kilometres of road in five separate street paving projects. Crews are also set to begin paving about a kilometre of sidewalk along Patricia Boulevard, which will be the longest sidewalk rehabilitation project of the year.

Earlier this week, paving was completed on Alward Street between 10th Avenue and 15th Avenue and on Freeman Street from 8th Avenue to 15th Avenue.

Subject to favourable weather conditions, road rehabilitation is expected to be completed on the following projects by the end of next week:

  • Gillett Street from Fifth Avenue to 12th Avenue
  • Irwin Street from Fifth Avenue to Harper Street

Drivers and cyclists are advised that nearly two lane kilometres of Ospika Boulevard is being re-paved this week between 15th and 22nd Avenues. Asphalt milling was completed this week, with paving scheduled to start next week. In order to minimize traffic disruption, paving on this project is starting at 4 a.m. on each day of operation.

Residents are advised to follow road signs and to drive carefully around road crews.

Downtown sidewalks flushed

Last week, city crews flushed the sidewalks on 2nd and 3rd Avenues downtown to remove debris and refuse. The early morning operation involved two water trucks with fire hoses used by staff to flush material from the edges of businesses out into the street where it was later collected by city sweepers.

For further information about roads and transportation in Prince George, including topics such as street sweeping operations and procedures, please visit the City website.

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