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Online crime reporting under-utilized

The Prince George RCMP detachment has been participating in an online crime reporting pilot project for the last six months and wants to get word out about the service.

Since November 20, the detachment has been accepting crime reports through this online tool, available through its web site,  From the launch of the project, up until May 20, the detachment received only 42 crime reports through this new method. 

“We believe this tool is being under-utilized and want to increase awareness,” said Cpl. Craig Douglass, spokesperson for the Prince George RCMP. “Many crimes go unreported because victims don’t want to bother police or don’t want to wait on hold for a non-emergency operator to take the report.  Well, this is an alternative way to report the crime, which will benefit the public and police.”

Many bike thefts go unreported, leaving no chance for the bike to be returned to the owner if it is recovered, and no chance for criminal charges if police catch the thief.  The lack of reporting only gives thieves more confidence that they won’t be caught, fuelling more theft.  The same can be said about property damage, lost property and other poorly reported offences.

“We analyze reported crime to determine where and how we deploy resources,” said Douglass. “The more crime is reported, the more accurate we can be with targeting crime trends and those responsible.”

In addition to providing a more convenient way for residents to make a report of less serious crimes, this tool allows call takers and frontline personnel to focus on higher priority calls, which will improve overall safety and response times in the city.  Not all crime are reportable through this tool, including crimes against persons.

To make a report using the Online Crime Reporting tool, follow the links on our home page at

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