Environment Canada is warning about heavy rainfall for the Peace region throughout the weekend.
A series of disturbances moving through northern B.C. will continue to give periods of moderate to heavy rainfall through Monday. Potential impacts for this event include rising rivers and destabilizing slopes.
An already moist air mass will be enhanced by upslope flow, particularly on the east slopes of the Northern Rockies. The communities of Liard River, Muncho Lake, Toad River, Nelson Forks, Sikanni Chief and their surrounding higher terrain may see up to 50 to 80 mm of total rainfall. These areas have experienced moderate rainfall events over the past few weeks thus the ground is quite saturated in some places.
Stay tuned to your local weather forecast and alerts: www.weather.gc.ca
Flood Warnings and Advisories can be viewed at: http://bcrfc.env.gov.bc.ca/warnings/index.htm
Road Conditions: https://drivebc.ca/