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Prince George Farmers’ Market ready for Saturday opening

The Prince George Farmers’ Market (PGFMA), located at the corner of Third and Quebec Street, is set to reopen on Saturday, June 6.

The market was closed previously due to COVID-19 restrictions. After constructing a plan to reopen with guidance from the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets and the City of Prince George the PGFMA will reopen the building and the street market. The building will have many of the table vendors relocated to the street to allow for proper social distancing. Booths on the street will be spaced 6 feet apart, as well, to allow for social distancing.

“The market will look a little different this year as there will be less vendors due to social distancing requirements,” said Martin Krell, association president. 

There will be hand washing stations available at the entrance of the building, as well as at the entrance of the street market.

“The current board of the PGFMA is committed to maintaining a balance of farmers, ranchers, growers, bakers, artists and artisans,” said Krell. “The goal is to have a market that is 60 per cent food from local farmers, ranchers and growers with 40 per cent bakers, artists and artisans. The PGFMA needs to be seen as an essential food hub for Prince George and we need to support our local farmers, ranchers and growers in doing so.”

The PGFMA will be open on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Patrons are encouraged to stay home if sick or unwell, to wash their hands, and to maintain social distancing. Produce and baking will be pre-bagged and vendors will supply shopping bags, as reusable bags and totes are not permitted at this time. These changes are for now and not forever. The PGFMA welcomes back its vendors and patrons and is excited about the upcoming street market and the year-round indoor farmers’ market reopening.

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