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COVID-19: Northern Health allowing only essential visitors to its facilities

Northern Health is now allowing only essential visits to its facilities as it responds to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“To support the Provincial Health Officer’s directions around social distancing and protect our residents, patients and staff from the transmission of COVID-19, Northern Health has made the difficult decision to allow only essential visits to our facilities,” according to a statement issued today by the health authority.

Essential visits will be considered for patients who are:

  • critically ill
  • receiving end-of-life care
  • frail and need an escort or family member for their safety

Eligible essential visitors must pass important screening criteria. This means they cannot have a cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat or shortness of breath, and they cannot have travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days.

“We understand the importance of visits from family and loved ones to our patients and long-term care residents and we appreciate your understanding and support in helping to keep everyone safe,” according to the statement.
The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control is the recommended resource for provincial information that is accurate and current: Information is being updated frequently on the site at this time and individuals are encouraged to check back regularly (eg. daily).

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