Northern Health is making changes to its NH Connections service to support provincial direction on social distancing and maintaining essential health care services, in response to COVID-19.
Effective Sunday March 22, passenger eligibility restrictions will be in place for all NH Connections routes. Trips will be limited to individuals who require accessible transportation and anyone over the age of 60; health care staff, physicians and health care students.
Bookings on NH Connections will be for essential medical appointments only, including (but not limited to) cancer treatment, hemodialysis, and appointments with specialist physicians, primary care physicians; appointments for physiotherapy, dentists, pharmacy, and trips to access a higher level of care such as surgery at a hospital.
In addition to these measures, effective March 22 NH Connections will not pick up passengers who have not booked their trip at least 24 hours in advance, and meet the above conditions. On board NH Connections buses, appropriate social distancing measures will be taken, as needed, between passengers.