The six Toastmaster clubs of Prince George invites residents to its demonstration meeting to meet members and discover for themselves the importance of learning communication skills.
“Toastmasters provides a supportive and positive environment where members have the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills,” said Greg Jonuk, Vice President of Public Relations for the Plaza 400 Toastmaster Club.
Members and guests will enjoy a regular Toastmasters meeting that will include prepared speeches, Table Topics (impromptu speeches) and evaluations.
“Table Topics are one of the favourite parts of most meetings,” said Jonuk. “This is where guests and members are randomly selected to speak for one to two minutes. It helps you think and speak clearly on your feet.”
Toastmasters Demonstration Meeting
Date: Thursday, February 27, 2020
Location: AIMHI Building, 950 Kerry Street
Time: 6:45 p.m. –9:00 p.m.
For more information, email Greg Jonuk @
Toastmasters clubs meet most week days in Prince George:
For more information on this event, please visit