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Investigators seeking possible victims of alleged sexual offender

Police are looking for more possible victims of an alleged sex offender in Prince George.

On Friday November 29, the Prince George RCMP’s Sex Crimes Unit began an investigation into sexual offences committed against a female under 16 years of age.  The investigation began after receiving a complaint from a member of the public.

On Saturday November 30, police executed a search warrant on the 900 block of Victoria Street and arrested 35-year-old Kevin James Belcourt.  The BC Prosecution Service has charged Belcourt with the following Criminal Code offences:

  • Child luring (2 counts)
  • Making sexually explicit material to a child (2 counts)
  • Sexual interference
  • Distributing child pornography
  • Failing to comply with prohibition order
  • Failing to comply with probation

Belcourt has been remanded in custody. 

All of these charges are directly related to alleged offences against one youth.  Investigators are releasing Belcourt’s information and photograph to the public in an attempt to determine if there were further victims and to identify them.  Police believe that Belcourt communicated with the victim via the Snapchat social media app which facilitated several in person meetings.

Belcourt’s Snapchat vanity names included Emily Mojo, James Biggs and Eddy100.  Anyone having had contact with those accounts and/or Belcourt between July 2019 and November 30 is asked to call the Prince George RCMP’s Sex Crimes Unit at 250-561-3300.

The Prince George RCMP are urging parents of young girls with social media accounts to monitor their accounts and speak to them about this investigation.

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