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Rio Tinto responds to Saik’uz/Stellat’en court case

Rio Tinto Alcan says it has sought to resolve issues regarding the Kenney Dam and the state of the Nechako River with the Stellat’en and Saik’uz. It has issued the following statement in relation to the court case launched by the two First Nations:

“Rio Tinto prefers to work in partnership with First Nations and Indigenous communities to build relationships that are mutually beneficial. Rio Tinto is a respondent in the court case, along with the Government of British Columbia and the Canadian Federal government.   Rio Tinto has on a number of occasions sought to find ways to resolve this issue without proceeding to court hearings. Rio Tinto has always, and will continue to operate, with all of the required permits and approvals under applicable laws, including a 1987 tripartite agreement with the Canada and British Columbia governments that ensures protective flows for fish.
“Rio Tinto cannot comment further on this case while it is before the courts.”

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