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Spruceland, Edgewood Grade 7 students head to D.P. Todd next year

Students in graduating from Edgewood Elementary School and Spruceland Traditional Elementary School will be heading to D.P. Todd next year.

The School District 57 board of education decided to change the catchment area of D.P. Todd Tuesday to include the two schools, which were previously part of the Duchess Park Secondary catchment area.

The change was recommended by the district’s Catchment and Capacity Review Stakeholder Advisory Committee. The Education Services Committee supported the recommendation, which would see Grade 7 students leaving Edgewood Elementary and Spruceland Traditional Elementary in June 2020 attend secondary school at D.P. Todd Secondary instead of Duchess Park Secondary in September 2020.

Secondary students originally from one of the two schools currently attending Duchess Park may continue to attend Duchess Park or choose to attend D.P. Todd.

The change was recommended as a solution to overpopulation at Duchess Park, a triple-track secondary school that opened in March 2010.

Renovation of D.P. Todd Secondary, which would add 300 seats to the current 600, is the top priority on School District No. 57’s five-year capital plan. The use of additional portables at D.P. Todd will be considered in the short-term.

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