The city is reminding residents that bears are very active in late fall before hibernation and spend much of their time in search of food and, as such, residents should secure their garbage and remove other food sources that can attract bears.
Unfortunately, bears can become conditioned to unnatural food sources like garbage, fruit, or birdseed.
In Prince George, an average of 35 bears are destroyed every year, which is the highest number for any community in B.C. Prince George’s geographic location between two rivers and with surrounding forests make it an ideal habitat for bears.
You can avoid visits from bears by following these five simple rules:
- Secure your garbage cart in a shed or garage where possible or use a flat hook cam strap to lock your cart.
- Set your garbage cart at the curb only between 4:00am and 7:00pm on curbside collection days. Find the collection schedule or subscribe to receive alerts.
- Avoid growing fruit-bearing trees or plants on your property and remove any ripe fruit and vegetables.
- Feed pets indoors and remove bird feeders during the spring to autumn months.
- Regularly clean your barbeque, specifically the grease trap.
These rules are enforced through City bylaws and can result in fines up to $300.
If you see an aggressive or injured bear, please contact the Conservation Officer Service through the 24-hour hotline at 1-877-952-RAPP (7277).
Visit the city’s website for additional Bear Smart resources and tips.