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Doherty upset with nastiness aimed at his family during campaign

Conservative Todd Doherty chats with supporters on election night. Bill Phillips photo

Todd Doherty is obviously happy at being re-elected to a second term in Cariboo-Prince George.

The Conservative MP is, however, upset with the treatment his family received during the nasty and divisive campaign.

“People on social media are ugly,” he said in an interview Monday night. “It’s been very ugly for our family. The stuff my wife and my kids have had to endure is uncalled for. Furthermore, I don’t think any candidate should be attacked, for anything. We put our names forward, our families don’t. I think people need to be cognizant that there’s a person behind the title, the campaign, and there’s family who are part of that. And I don’t condone anyone saying anything to other candidates either.”

He said people have the right to question candidates but that candidates “have the right to be respected as well.”

Doherty said he was “anxious” heading into the campaign but now that he is going back to Ottawa, is anxious to started as an opposition MP in a minority government.

“It’s not the outcome we were hoping for, but we secured more seats,” he said. “I can’t wait to get to work and take them to task.

Doherty also gave a shout-out to his fellow candidates in the riding.

“I enjoyed the conversation we had over the past six weeks,” he said.

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