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Premiers’ performance: Legault, Moe enjoy highest job approval; Ford, McNeil round out bottom ranks

With much of the nation’s political attention firmly on the federal election, Canada’s premiers may well be enjoying some rare time flying under the headline-driven radar.

Others, however, are finding they’re indirectly playing a role in the national campaign, to varying degrees.

The Doug Ford factor in the federal election?

More specifically, Ontario premiers, past and present, are looming large on the hustings – whether they desire it or not.

Although Premier Doug Ford announced this summer that his government would take an extra-long break until after the federal election, and lay low during the campaign, Angus Reid Institute data released this week finds Ford by far the most likely premier to impact federal race, and largely to the detriment of Andrew Scheer.

Justin Trudeau has made a point of invoking Ford at campaign events in Ontario recently, while opposition leader Andrew Scheer and his Conservative Party launched an ad campaign in the province linking Justin Trudeau to former Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne. Ford’s approval remains close to unchanged this quarter at 37 per cent, ahead of only Nova Scotia’s Stephen McNeil (27%).

Read the rest of the story here:

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