The bad news was I had to call my boss for help Saturday at one of my remotes.
The good news was I didn’t actually have to call until the remote was finished.
I had two remotes Saturday, one for The Drive at Freedom Mobile in Pine Centre, the other for The River at Petland. We had done remotes from Petland before with no problem, so I felt confident about that one.
The one at Pine Centre, though, was a slightly different kettle of fish. We had done a remote from there the week before and had some problems, so I was a little worried.
Add in that both remotes were on at exactly the same times and it meant I was going to be doing some scrambling to get everything set up and tested.
To my pleased surprise, both setups went well, and everything tested out perfectly before we had to go on the air.
And it stayed the same throughout almost the whole time. Just near the end, one of the systems we were using lost power, so I scrambled over to Pine Centre and spent the last 20 minutes or so holding a plug together into a power bar so it wouldn’t lose power again.
We finished the remotes, I packed up both sets of gear into the truck I use on the weekend, and headed back to the station.
I unloaded all the equipment, and headed upstairs to drop off the iPhones. I went into the engineering room and dropped off the truck keys, then plugged the iPhones in to continue recharging.
As I headed out to go back to my car, I reached into my pants pocket for my keys – and didn’t find them. I knew I had them a few minutes earlier, because that was how I got in to drop off the equipment.
Check my other pocket – and find the truck keys. OK, so obviously I had gone into the engineering room, and dropped off my keys instead of the truck keys, and there wasn’t a key to the engineering room on the truck keychain.
So I called my boss, and told him what had happened.
After he stopped laughing, he said he’d be there in about 10 minutes, and he was. Into the engineering room, drop off the truck keys, get my keys, and we’re ready to go.
As I was leaving, he said not to worry, because everybody did that at one time or another.
All I could think of was a boss I had many years ago, who told me, “I don’t mind if you make every mistake in the book – once.”
I think I may be starting a new book.