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Interact Club members give back to the community

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others” -Ghandi

Interact Club members working in the garden at Prince George Hospice House.

BY QAIS KHAN President, Prince George Interact Club As you may or may not know,  Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Going into my second term as president I have seen so many wonderful people take on challenges and fundraise for causes they feel passionate for. It allows our youth to make an impact on causes they believe in both locally and internationally. We are a group of Interact students who volunteer in the community in an effort to give back. We fundraise money and run projects in the community. We have been having a fantastic year and have run many projects already. We have delivered get well cards from elementary school students to sick children in the hospital during the holiday season.

In addition, we actively support a child in need overseas every year. We also volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul monthly and serve breakfast to those who are in need.

More recently, we have had the ability to support a new foundation. The foundation New Hope. Their mandate is to identify and address barriers to accessing supports and services that marginalized women, both adults and youth, face while working in the sex industry. Interact continues to support this organization with donations of money and personal hygiene products.

Now just a few weeks ago, we have had the opportunity to plant a garden at the local Hospice House in an effort to Plant a Seed of Kindness. We wanted to add a touch of sunlight and colour to the Hospice House and what better way to do that than flowers? Our group funded, dug, and planted a whole garden at the House. These are just a few of the things that we have already done, and we have no intention of slowing down now.

 We are a group of students determined to give back to our community and support causes that we are passionate for. We strive to improve our community and show people that no matter how young or old one is, everyone can make an impact.

You might see us around town volunteering, and don’t hesitate to come say “hi.”

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