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Hall given forestry community champion award

Derek Nighbor FPAC President and CEO, Lyn Hall Mayor of Prince George, and Mark Feldinger Canfor SVP
Derek Nighbor FPAC President and CEO, Lyn Hall Mayor of Prince George, and Mark Feldinger Canfor SVP

Mayor Lyn Hall has been recognized as a ‘forestry community champion’ by the Forest Products Association of Canada.

The award was handed out at the association’s annual awards luncheon in Vancouver. The association hosts this annual event to recognize excellence in the sector and to honour the achievements of our workers and community partners.

The  award is presented to a leader who demonstrates support for the forestry sector and its contributions to Canada’s environmental and economic priorities.

“Mayor Hall’s contributions to his community and his commitment to the forest products sector are well known throughout British Columbia,” said FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor. “He asks great questions, is a huge supporter of innovation and building with wood, and is an advocate for the people of Prince George in every sense of the word.  His re-election victory in October, in which he received over 90 percent of the vote speaks for itself.”

Hall was recognized for his ongoing commitment to the community of Prince George and the forest products sector which is the lifeblood of the regional workforce and economy.  He plays an active role as host-mayor to the annual BC Natural Resources Forum and is a champion of building with wood.  In the past two years, Hall and a great team of community leaders and volunteers in Prince George have also played host to incredible relief efforts to support to thousands of British Columbians who were displaced due to wildfires.

“It’s an honour to receive this award and I hope that everyone in Prince George who’s involved with the forest industry takes pride in receiving this national recognition,” said Hall. “The Prince George district is home to about 300 forestry-related businesses that support about 9,000 jobs. Those people produce billions of dollars worth of forest products and are at the forefront of innovation in new products, bioenergy, and forest management. Thank you, FPAC, for recognizing Prince George and the great things we do here.”

Hall entered politics in 2001 as a school trustee and in 2011, won a seat on city council.  Since 2014, he has served as mayor of Prince George.  He welcomed the 16th Annual BC Natural Resources Forum to the city this year and has worked to diversify the local economy while increasing opportunities in the forestry industry.

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