A new era is dawning at Lheidli T’enneh First Nation.
After 15 years as chief, Dominic Frederick is out.
Elected as chief for a two-year term is Clayton Pountney. He defeated Frederick who had been chief since 2004. In that time the band has twice defeated, by referendum, a treaty agreement. Earlier this year the band announced it will be suing Enbridge for the pipeline explosion near the reserve last fall and that it wants the pipeline removed from the band’s traditional territory.
Four councillors elected for a two-year term are: Dolleen Logan, Helen Buzas, Clarence John, and Joshua Seymour.
Three members of the Lheidli T’enneh Lands Authority elected to a four-year term are Melody Buzas, Elissa Gagnon, and Phyllis Seymour.
The official 2019 Lheidli T’enneh election results are listed below.
Clayton Pountney – 99
Dominic Frederick – 84
Dolleen Logan – 115
Helen Buzas – 67
Clarence John – 62
Joshua Seymour – 55
Lands Authority
Elissa Gagnon – 68
Melody Buzas – 63
Phyllis Seymour – 57