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Seiter and Paul ready to Boogie With the Stars

Sponsored by Royal LePage, Haylee Seiter and Gurinder Paul will represent the Wheelin Warriors of the North as this year's Boogie With the Stars. Bill Phillips photo
Sponsored by Royal LePage, Haylee Seiter and Gurinder Paul will represent the Wheelin Warriors of the North as this year’s Boogie With the Stars. Bill Phillips photo





Haylee Seiter did such a good job cycling for the Wheelin’ Warriors of the North that team captain Karin Piche asked her to dance for the team as well.

Seiter, along with Gurinder Paul, will represent the Wheelin’ Warriors at Boogie With the Stars on New Year’s Eve.

Both are young professionals in the community and jumped at the chance to give something back.

“I’ve of always wanted to get back into dancing, so this was an awesome excuse for me to get back into it,” says Paul, who took a few dance lessons in school. “I’ve always enjoyed it.”

The story is similar for Seiter.

“I used to dance when I was younger as well so it’s been fun for me to get back into dance,” says Haylee. “For both of us, we’ve been learning lots.”

Organized by Paz Milburn and Peter Weedon, Boogie with the Stars will feature seven ‘star’ dancers paired with experienced dancers competing for dancing glory, although Seiter and Paul haven’t quite figured out who is the star and who is the experienced dancer on their team.

The pair started training in September and have stepped up the practices since October.

“The learning curve was pretty steep, but it’s starting to level out,” says Seiter.

“We’ve picked it up pretty quick,” adds Paul.

They will be doing a salsa/swing mix.

“We’re actually doing a couple of different styles,” says Seiter. “We sort of mix it up. It’s been fun because we’ve learned two different styles of dance.”

They are learning under the tutelage of Paz Milburn and Peter Weedon about once a week and attend their drop-in classes every Wednesday as well.

“I’m excited to show what we’ve got to the crowd,” says Gurinder.

Boogie With the Stars is charity fundraiser with the most of the funds going to Prince George Hospice. However, Seiter and Paul will be raising funds for Wheelin’ Warriors of the North, which raises funds to fight cancer.

“All of our funds go towards the B.C. Cancer Foundation,” says Seiter. “We’re trying to raise as much money as possible.”

The team is also sponsored by Royal LePage.

If you’re still wondering how to ring in the New Year, why not take in some top notch dancing at the Civic Centre at Boogie With the Stars. Plus, you will be helping some local charities at the same time.

Tickets are $100 per person and are available at the Gallery Bridal and Events – 1677 Seventh Avenue; Prince George Hospice – 1506 Ferry Avenue; the YMCA – 2020 Massey Drive; or from Paz Milburn and Peter Weedon.

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