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Klassen says low graduation rates an issue in school district

We asked all the School District 57 Board of Education candidates to fill out a questionnaire so you may get to know them a little better. We will be running their answers between now and election day.
Trudy Klassen
Why are you running for trustee for School District 57?
Trudy Klassen
Trudy Klassen

Several friends suggested it, so I considered it, and decided that I had a skillset that would be useful in improving student success.

What do you think is the single most important issue facing School District 57?

Low graduation rates and poor preparedness for post-secondary and trades education.

What do you see as the main role of the School District 57 board of trustees?

After engaging with the various community stakeholders and parents; policies, long-range plans, and the budget, are put together by the board to meet the needs and values of the communities and parents. Trustees are accountable to their communities.

Do you support the current sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) curriculum in schools? Why or why not?

I am 100 per cent in favour of teaching respect and dignity for all regardless of any distinction. As I have been talking with people, I have been hearing some concerns with how SOGI is being taught, so these concerns need to be respectfully addressed and solutions found that satisfy our legislation.

How will you ensure that rural schools are adequately funded, and represented?

By looking around the province for solutions that have worked elsewhere and working collaboratively and innovatively with other stakeholders.

If you have one pet project you would like to accomplish as a school trustee, what would that be?

How about three? 1. No school fees for classroom supplies, awards, co-curricular, and extra-curricular sports, and arts, sponsored by the school. 2.A program that would bring seniors and students together. 3. An outdoor classroom trial

What do you bring to the board table that no other candidate does?

I am the only one that has written a child, youth and vulnerable protection policy. The research required to write the policy has made me very aware of how much children need our protection.

Recruitment and retention of teachers and support staff is an ongoing issue. What are your thoughts on ways to keep the district properly staffed?

People will go where they feel able to contribute and where they feel properly supported. As imrovements are made to parent engagement and community engagement, there should be greater job satisfaction. We could look into shorter certification periods for some teachers, and more pay for teacher specialists. I am certain more pay wouldn’t hurt.

How will you try to ensure public education funding for School District 57 increases?

I would work hard during the next provincial election to make sure that funding for the north increases.

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