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UNBC’s Discovery Day offers prospective students a glimpse into the university

Those who are interested in learning more about the University of Northern British Columbia and what it has to offer are invited to attend the annual UNBC Fall Discovery Day on Saturday, Oct. 20.

It’s an opportunity to learn about UNBC programs, meet university faculty and alumni, tour the Prince George campus and get acquainted with student services. The free event is from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

“We are opening our doors to prospective students and their families,” said Dennis Stark, Interim Manager, Student Recruitment, in a news release. “We are excited to showcase our beautiful campus, award-winning faculty, and some success stories from our alumni, all aspects of UNBC life that has helped earn us distinction as one of the top small universities in Canada and one of the best young universities in the world.”

The day is for current high school students, recent high school graduates, current college or university students are considering a transfer, mature or adult learns, parents of prospective students, as well as high school counsellors, administrators and teachers.

Those interested in attending the event can register here:

The day includes program showcases by UNBC faculty where participants will become more familiar with UNBC programs and university teaching.

An alumni panel will discuss their experience at UNBC and how UNBC degrees open career doors for graduates.

The Student Services Fair will showcase various departments that support students during their studies such as wellness, advising, career readiness and fun.

Participants will also have the opportunity to check out learning and social spaces, the Charles Jago Northern Sport Centre and student housing during campus tours.

This is the first year that UNBC has organized Discovery Day in this format.

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