Miworth Community Association (MCA) will be hosting a community-wide, multi-location yard sale and fair on Saturday August 11.
Starting at the Miworth Community Hall at 9 a.m., there will be Devonshire cream teas, craft and baked goods tables indoors and a tailgate Junk in the Trunk gathering in the car park.
Visitors will be able to pick up a map showing the location of the many yard sales to be held that day in the Miworth and Catherine Drive area.
At least nine local households are holding yard sales as part of the event, according to MCA’s Social Events Director Rennae Pillipow.
Mark it in your diary, tell your friends, join us on August 11 for the great Miworth summer clear out and community gathering. Pick up a map at the hall, hunt for some bargains and have a great time with the Miworth community.