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Awards handed out at Prince George Air Cadet ceremonial review

Honourary Lt. Colonel Tom Newell of the Rocky Mountain Rangers inspects cadets during the 70th annual Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. Bill Phillips photo
Honourary Lt. Colonel Tom Newell of the Rocky Mountain Rangers inspects cadets during the 70th annual Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. Bill Phillips photo

Honourary Lt. Colonel Tom Newell presents Sgt. Keegan Ingram with the Top Cadet award at the Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. Ingram was also awarded with the Legion Medal of Excellence for performance in military and physical training. Bill Phillips photo
Honourary Lt. Colonel Tom Newell presents Sgt. Keegan Ingram with the Top Cadet award at the Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. Ingram was also awarded with the Legion Medal of Excellence for performance in military and physical training. Bill Phillips photo

Capt. Callaghan presents Devin Nesbitt with the Bob Goode Memorial Trophy at the Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. The trophy is awarded for citizenship cadet volunteer hours. Bill Phillips photo
Capt. Callaghan presents Devin Nesbitt with the Bob Goode Memorial Trophy at the Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. The trophy is awarded for citizenship cadet volunteer hours. Bill Phillips photo

Warrant Officer First Class Sam Summerville receives the Lloyd LIttle Memorial Trophy, awarded to the cadet with the most citizenship volunteer training hours, by Commanding Officer Amanda Jensen. Bill Phillips photo

Capt. Callaghan presents Devin Nesbitt with the Bob Goode Memorial Trophy at the Prince George Air Cadets ceremonial review Tuesday. The trophy is awarded for citizenship cadet volunteer hours. Bill Phillips photo
Cheryl Riddle and Jess Callaghan of Prince George Motors present Royal Canadian Air Cadets with $25,000. Accepting are Cameron Stolz, sponsor committee chair, and Commanding Officer Amanda Jensen. Bill Phillips photo

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