City crews are removing the remaining snow on Priority 1 and Priority 2 roads to prepare for spring street sweeping. Clearing the large volume of snow in Prince George this winter created windrows that often extended several feet into streets. Overnight sub-zero temperatures are slowing the natural melt.
Some roadway windrows still extend beyond the curb and their removal helps city equipment get rid of debris in surrounding gutters. If street sweeping begins before gutters are clear of snow, a second visit would be needed to remove all roadway waste after the snow is gone.
Delaying windrow removal would push sweeping operations later into the year and affect air quality. The traction material (e.g. sand and gravel) used this past winter, coupled with winds and Priority 1 and Priority 2 traffic volumes, can create dust and hazardous conditions.
The City of Prince George’s Roads Division is presently flushing and sweeping sidewalks and medians in the downtown area. After the windrows are removed, street sweeping is anticipated to begin early April (depending on weather).