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The Iron Ore Classic received a big financial boost last week.
The Brink Group of Companies signed on as the title sponsor again for 2018 and John Brink presented organizer Karley Green with a cheque for $15,000.
“It means everything,” Green said of the sponsorship. “The show is quite expensive to put on and this allows us to put on the show no matter what. It doesn’t matter how many athletes come and we can give a really fantastic prize.”
The Iron Ore Classic is set for September 22 at Vanier Hall. It will feature bodybuilding, physique, classic physique, figure, fitness and bikini competitions and will draw competitors from around the province.
Green says the sponsorship allows the competition to give both a male and female sponsorship of $2,000 as well as an early bird $500 sponsorship.
The competition this year will be a single show format which means both the pre-judging and the awards will be in one show. The fun gets underway at 10 a.m. September 22.
Athletes who are thinking of entering should be starting to train now, if they aren’t already.
“Right now you’re putting on muscle and really refining your shape, so you can bring your best package on stage as possible,” said Green.
The Iron Ore Classic is sanctioned by the Canadian Physique Alliance. The Prince George show will be a regional show, meaning athletes can qualify here for a pro-qualifier, which is where athletes can get their pro card. There are five pro-qualifiers across the country. The pro-qualifier also qualifies athletes for the pinnacle of the sport, the Arnold Classic, which has five shows around the world
The sponsorship is part of a five-year deal with the Brink Group of Companies to sponsor the event. John Brink is not only a sponsor, but a competitor.
“It sends the signal to the region and to Prince George … get in shape, get fit, I’m doing it, I’m 78, where’s everyone else,” he said.
He qualified for the nationals last year and is hoping to compete at the nationals and qualify for the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio. He will be back at the Iron Ore Classic this year.