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Snow clearing crews getting into residential neighbourhoods

Residents encouraged to check in on elderly neighbours and those with mobility issues

Snow and ice control crews are now clearing residential routes throughout the City and working to clear the route for this weekend's annual Iceman event. City of Prince George photo
Snow and ice control crews are now clearing residential routes throughout the City and working to clear the route for this weekend’s annual Iceman event. City of Prince George photo

Overnight last night, snow and ice control crews with the City of Prince George and contracted companies began clearing Priority Three routes, including residential roads, following this week’s major snowfall.

Crews also continued removing windrows from streets downtown and on major Priority One routes, such as 15th Avenue. Crews will continue to clear windrows during the night shifts when traffic is least likely to be disrupted.

The schedule today involves clearing areas west of Kelly Road, north of Highland Drive, and near Driftwood Road in the Hart neighbourhood. Operations in the Bowl will include clearing Priority Three routes in the Heritage and Pinewood neighbourhoods, as well as neighbourhoods at the southern end of Ospika Boulevard.

Crews are also working to clear the routes that participants in the annual Prince George Iceman will be taking as well as streets in the Upland area. Crews will also be heading into the Green Zone, per the city’s Garbage Collection Map.

All snow and ice control operations are subject to weather conditions. An additional significant snowfall could result in crews having to return to clear Priority One and Priority Two routes in order to keep critical arterial roads in a passable condition.

Residents are reminded that the volume of snow we have received recently means that it will take longer to plow all routes. Therefore, patience is appreciated, as is driving carefully when near road crews and equipment.

Further information about the City’s snow and ice control activities and winter parking restrictions can be found on the City website.

Reminder: be a good neighbour!

Residents are reminded that large snowfalls can be especially challenging for the elderly and people with mobility issues. The City of Prince George encourages residents to check in on their neighbours to see if they are well and to assist them when possible by helping them to shovel their driveways and front sidewalks.

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