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Doherty has brush with death during emergency surgery


Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty in hospital after surgery to remove his gall bladder. Facebook photo
Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty in hospital after surgery to remove his gall bladder. Facebook photo

Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty is recovering in hospital after a brush with death 10 days ago during emergency surgery to remove his gall bladder.

The MP posted the following on his Facebook page, detailing his ordeal:

This is lengthy but I hope you will take the time to read.

Last Saturday night (January 20th), after an evening spent with friends and enjoying a great Cougars game – I ended up in emergency.

After a lengthy and painful period of tests, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasounds and more tests – it was determined I was in need of emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder.

During the surgery, I stopped breathing and after some time the surgical team managed to stabilize me.

While in post op, more complications took place and in short, Kelly was informed that I was very very sick.

My family gathered as they were told things were not looking well.

Despite the haze and confusion of the drugs and breathing complications – I will never forget the look on Kelly’s and the kid’s faces.

The next 48 hours were filled with emotions and uncertainty as we were told that it looks as though my kidneys and body ..was going septic and shutting down..failing for some reason.

It turns out the gallbladder was just a minor part as my lungs were filled with glue/gunk like infection and pneumonia.

The last seven days have been rough but they have also been an eye opener which is why I am writing this.

Not for sympathy but to send a message to my friends, colleagues and anyone who will listen.

For my friends and colleagues who are elected officials, those who are blessed to be able to serve our communities, regions, provinces and country.

We all have things we are determined to accomplish during our elected terms..”world peace”, “end homelessness”, “make the world a better place” are some goals mentioned by political hopefuls.

Mine is to be a strong voice for the Cariboo-Prince George. Ensure our friends and families know their Member of Parliament and know they have someone fighting for them in Ottawa. Proudly representing them here at home and abroad. Be a strong team member of our Conservative Caucus, be seen as a leader within our team.

And to ensure my bill C-211 passes so for the very first time Canada will have a national framework ..a plan and resources to deliver the plan to fight PTSD.

That’s it.

In my personal life, it’s to be the best father, husband, brother, friend and community leader I can be.

To inspire others to be better. Do better.

However, I missed a critical component to being able to accomplish these goals.

Taking care of myself so that I was around to accomplish those goals.

Despite the gym memberships, treadmill at home, gym at the apartment..I always find a reason to put off that exercise plan.

There’s always a pressing call, email, text or meeting that takes its place.

Not anymore.

I don’t have the plan as to how I’m going to do it yet but I know I have too much on my “to do list” so healthy changes are coming.

And I’m challenging my friends, family and colleagues to do whatever you need to do to make this a priority in your lives also.


I’ve included a video on this message that was taken early Monday am. Watching it scares me and I am hopeful it helps deliver the message I’m giving.

Regardless of our schedules or whatever demands placed on us remember this: there is only one group who will mourn you longer than a week..that’s your family.

As I mentioned in the opening, as everything was going on – amidst the chaos, confusion and noise one thing was so vividly clear ..Kelly and the kids in tears, my son Josh at my bedside trying to find a way to get a message to my doctor that he would me give a kidney or lung..anything to make sure I pulled through.

In my quest to accomplish all my goals, I lost sight of what’s most important- taking care of ones self.

You can’t help others if you’re not well yourself.

So to my colleagues in Ottawa – who’s up for some early morning walks and workouts?

I’ve got a tough road ahead but I’m on the mend and when I’m back I’m going to be on a mission and if I can help it – I’m never putting my family through that again.

Giving thanks:

The doctors and nurses at the University Hospital Of Northern British Columbia have been amazing and our family is so very thankful for their care and support.

I also want to thank everyone who has written me, called or texted.

Your kind words are very very much appreciated.


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