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Make Climb for Cancer a goal for the New Year

The New Year is here, a time when many make a resolution to  change some aspect of their life.   The likelihood of being successful can be increased by setting a simple achievable goal.

This year, make the third annual Climb for Cancer that achievable goal.

Set for April 21, the Climb for Cancer calls   for individuals  or teams to conquer Prince George’s iconic cutbanks  all to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Kordyban Lodge.

Kordyban Lodge in Prince George,  offers a home away from home for those  receiving treatment while on  their own personal  cancer journey.    With 36 beds, three meals a day, and the opportunity to be among others who are on the same journey, it is a place that offers warmth, comfort and support during a very difficult time.

Kordyban Lodge is supported entirely through donations, and all proceeds from the Climb for Cancer go to the lodge.

“Every dollar raised is an important investment not only for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Kordyban Lodge, but for the people of Northern B.C. who may need to come to Prince George for treatment.” said campaign chair, David Duck.

In the first two years, the Climb for Cancer has raised $57,000 for the Kordyban Lodge.  Duck says they are hoping to top that amount this year.

“Getting ready for the Climb for Cancer is an achievable goal,” he said. “A simple journey up our cutbanks goes a long way.  Every step counts.”

Those interested in taking up the challenge are encouraged to pre-register by visiting the Climb for Cancer Prince George website 

Friends, family and colleagues can help you keep your resolution by donating to your, or your team’s  efforts.

Pre registration is just $5, but it is a step towards keeping a New Year’s resolution while supporting those who are fighting cancer.

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