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The week that time forgot

It’s that week of the year that seems to hover in space and time, with no real purpose to it.

It’s the week between Christmas and New Year’s, and I think this week is even more unusual because of the timing of things.

I spent a good part of the weekend, Christmas Day and Boxing Day having to remind myself what day of the week it was.

I mean, I’m not usually doing live radio on a Saturday, but I was at the CFIS studio from 10 to noon as part of our Christmas open house. It’s normally a Christmas Eve event, but that would have meant running live from 9 to noon on Sunday, and I don’t think many people would have been stopping by.

As it was, a number of people made the trek up to the studio above the Studio 2880 Gift Shop. For some of them, it was the first chance to see the new-look space, including the now-completed production room, which sees a lot of use some days.

So by noon on Saturday, I was finished work for the day. I relaxed, spent some time with Mom, and just chilled (which was a lot easier given the current temperatures).

Sunday I was back in the studio for my usual Sunday work, including updating the weather and cleaning up a few things.

Monday was Christmas. Presents, too much food, and a great time with the family.

Boxing Day on Tuesday, and there was no way I was going shopping. I had enough food at the apartment to see me through the day, and Mom invited me over for lunch, so that worked out even better.

Now, things can get back to normal – until New Year’s Day.

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