The City of Prince George has been granted $52,000 in funding from the Government of Canada, through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM ) to develop the community’s asset management strategy to align with current climate change goals.
Prince George is one of 19 communities across the country that will take part. For the network’s next two-year cycle, the 19 communities will take an active role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the potential effects of climate change — by using cutting-edge strategies to manage their assets more efficiently and sustainably.
Participating communities will strengthen their asset management capacity by collaborating and sharing knowledge with a network of peers working toward similar goals. Each network member will develop or refresh an asset management policy or strategy to align with their community’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change.
The Climate and Asset Management Network offers peer-learning opportunities, training, and $1.6 million in grant funding to help Canadian municipalities integrate climate change and sustainability goals systematically into decision-making about infrastructure assets, such as roads, buildings, and water and sanitation systems.