Kaehn returns as RDFFG chair
Directors with the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George have re-elected Art Kaehn (Electoral Area E, Hixon-Woodpecker) as the chair, and Terry Burgess (Electoral Area G – Crooked River-Parsnip) as vice-chair.
Kaehn has served as chair of the Regional District Board since 2007. Burgess served previously as the vice-chair from 2009-2011, and again from 2015 to current day.
Tipping fee increasing
Effective January 1, 2018, tipping fees are increasing by $3 to $85 per tonne for refuse disposed at the Foothills Boulevard Regional Landfill.
The increase is consistent with the rate adjustment recommendations of the Regional Solid Waste Management Financial Plan. There is no change to the $6 fee for small loads under 100 kilograms.
Landfill hours changing
The board has approved changes to the operating hours of the Foothills Boulevard Regional Landfill to take effect July 1, 2018.
As the largest landfill in northern B.C., the Foothills Boulevard Regional Landfill provides year round services and is currently only closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day with approximately 4,850 operating hours annually.
After a review of usage patterns and peak times as observed over the past few years the board has approved new year-round operating hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. effective July 1, 2018. It has also approved the closure of the landfill and Buckhorn, Chief Lake, Cummings Road, McBride, Shelley, Valemount and Willow River transfer stations on New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, BC Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.