The BC Wildfire Service is planning to conduct a series of controlled open burns in the Prince George Fire Zone to help reduce Douglas fir beetle populations in the Pidherny area, which lies within the City of Prince George’s jurisdictional boundaries.
This burning project is scheduled to start on Thursday, Oct. 5, and will continue periodically until Oct. 11. Trained firefighting crews will control and monitor the fires at all times. Smoke may be visible along North Nechako Road and Foothills Boulevard.
Forestry professionals have established “trap trees” to mimic blowdown Douglas fir trees. Healthy, large-diameter trees were cut down and left on the ground in shaded areas to attract the beetles during their flight period (May to August).
Trap trees are more successful attracting adult Douglas fir beetles than standing trees. Every trap tree can potentially protect eight to 10 healthy trees nearby. Once the adult beetles and their larvae are established within a trap tree, those logs are gathered into piles and burned to kill the beetles and larvae.
The pile burning will only proceed if weather conditions are favourable for quick smoke dissipation. Wind speed, direction, venting and burning conditions will all be considered prior to ignition to minimize the amount of smoke generated. The intent is to extinguish the burning piles within 24 hours.
To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or an open burning violation, please call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.