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Wildfire Service video of an ‘aggressive’ fire

The video below was shot by the B.C. Wildfire Service Saturday of the Bishop Bluffs fire at approximately 5 p.m. It is an example of the extreme fire behaviour driven by high winds that was seen on a number of fires in the Cariboo Fire Centre yesterday.

Extreme fire behaviour such as this is a force of nature and suppression efforts are ineffective. The focus of the BCWS shifts to ensuring responder and public safety and protecting values.

“Although the Cariboo Fire Centre is receiving rain again, we would like everyone to keep in mind that the potential for this kind of fire behaviour still exists once the beneficial effects of rain disappear,” says the B.C. Wildfire Service Facebook page. “When the BCWS recommends evacuation alerts and orders, we urge residents to abide by them, as fires may not enter interface areas as controllable ground fires that can be suppressed.”

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