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CNC welcomes province’s tuition reversal

The College of New Caledonia is welcoming the return of tuition-free Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning programs.

“We’re thrilled to be able to offer Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning programs tuition-free starting September 1, 2017,” said Jay Notay, Executive Vice President Academic, Applied Research & Students. “We’re aware that about three-quarters of CNC students go on to complete another program at the College after completing ABE courses, and this doesn’t account for those programs they enroll in at other institutions, so we’re pleased to be able to support their learning and success.”

The province announced last week that it will reverse its 2015 decision. Under that 2015 policy, Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning fees were set by each institution throughout the province up to a maximum of $1,600 per semester of full-time studies, the equivalent of the average cost of tuition for an arts and science undergraduate program. Enrolment in Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning programs subsequently dropped almost 35 per cent from 10,244 full-time equivalent spaces in 2013-14 to 6,692 full-time equivalent spaces in 2016-17, in educational institutions province-wide, according to a CNC press release.

“CNC is prepared to accommodate any increase in applicants as a result of this announcement,” said Chad Thompson, Dean, School of University Studies and Career Access. “And for those who have registered and already paid the tuition, the College will refund those eligible.”

Close to 40 per cent of the colleges Adult Basic Education are indigenous learners, so the policy reversal will obviously help that demographic.

“This decision will help further our strategic plan that supports Aboriginal students to participate, complete and be successful in CNC courses and programs,” said Marlene Erickson, director of Aboriginal Ecuation.

Registration is now available for tuition-free Adult Basic Education and English Language Learning starting September 1, 2017.

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